Personal branding images are one of the most powerful must-have tools to communicate the WHO-WHAT-WHY of your business with your clients.
The end goal of personal branding is to create images that show your clients "who you are", " what you do" and "how it feels" to work with you. This is how the right personal branding images attract the right clients. As your imagery shapes your client's perception of who you are and what you do, it is essential that your branding images reflect your individual values, personality, and vision. Personal branding is an opportunity to inspire, communicate, and be remembered by people who approach your business.
When looking for a personal branding photographer, it is important to choose a photographer who is an expert in using lighting techniques, posing, composition, forms, and colors to get the specific message of your brand across to your clients. This is the approach taken with Perth Portraits Studio's personal branding photoshoots: We tailor the photoshoot based on your unique vision and create images that meet your specific branding goals. The branding images we create are more than headshots, as they have a deeper focus on "who you are" and "how it feels to work with you".
Your Brand Is The Number One Priority
Personal branding photography is an important investment in your business. Having worked with a variety of professionals from artists to a range of small business owners to academics, at Perth Portraits Studio we find great joy in getting to know you, learning what you do, and tailoring the photography experience to your specific requirements and goals, rather than following a mass production procedure. If this is something that resonates with you, get in touch to create powerful images that speak to your ideal clients.